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First glimpse of Ben Affleck as Batman

On Tuesday, Director Zack Snyder just revealed the first image of Ben Affleck as Batman.

He tweeted out the first peek of Ben Affleck looking buff in his Dark Knight armor, cape and cowl from the set of his follow-up to Man of Steel currently filming in Detroit.

Snyder first teased out a picture of the Dark Knight's new vehicle — hidden under a tarp — via Twitter on Monday.
One thing to pay attention to in the image is not only the batsuit and the batmobile.

The new photo shows Ben Affleck beside his Batmobile. The Batmobile itself looks similar to the car design in the video game Batman: Arkham Asylum, with a touch of the old Tim Burton Batmobile from 1989.

As for Affleck as Batman himself, the costume design definitely seems to hearken back to the caped crusader's look in Frank Miller's 1986 classic The Dark Knight Returns, which depicted an aged Bruce Wayne at the end of his career.

What do you think of the new suit..!