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Government releases new $ 100 bill! - What you need to know..!

In the midst of a government shutdown, the government has printed 3.5 billion of the new $100 bills, which it began delivering to financial institutions Tuesday.

Here are some more interesting facts:

The new $100 bills redesigned by incorporating new security features to deter counterfeiters and help businesses and consumers tell whether a note is genuine. In addition to adding a handful of security features meant to thwart counterfeiting, the Fed has also made use of 2 new technologies we haven't seen before.
Blue security ribbon: The ribbon is made up of hundreds of thousands of microlenses that cause the icons within it to shift from little Liberty Bells to a "100" pattern, and back again, as you tilt the bill.

Color-changing bell: The Fed is also debuting a copper-colored inkwell. Inside the inkwell is another Liberty Bell, which changes from copper to green depending on your perspective.

Raised printing: If you run your finger along Ben Franklin's shoulder, you'll feel texture.

Microprinting: Around Franklin's jacket collar, you'll see the words "The United States of America" printed in small type. "One Hundred USA" runs along the quill in the background. And the outline of the familiar portrait watermark is made up of "USA 100."

Redesigned back: The other side of the bill features a much larger denomination indicator, and instead of showing the front of Independence Hall, the new $100 bill shows the building from the rear. It's meant to force would-be counterfeiters to change all of the plates they use to print fake money, an expensive undertaking.

Consumers worldwide are advised that it is not necessary to trade in older-design $100 notes for new ones. It is U.S. government policy that all designs of U.S. currency remain legal tender, regardless of when they were issued.